The Vale do Fogo State Park (Valley of Fire State Park) is located in Nevada, in the United States of America. It is the largest park in the state, covering an area of 34,880 acres (141 km²).
Located northeast of Las Vegas, the park rises between 610 and 790 meters above sea level. The park’s soil has beautiful geological formations caused by erosion and also sand dunes that are 150 million years old. Shale, limestone and conglomerate rocks can also be seen.
The name Valley of Fire was formed by the red sandstone formations formed from large shifting sand dunes during the age of the dinosaurs, 150 million years ago.
The park is open all year round and offers a recreational area that is available to visitors. Popular attractions include camping, hiking, picnics and photography.
The prehistoric inhabitants of the valley were called Pueblos, also known as Anasazi, who were ranchers and farmers who settled in the Moapa Valley. They lived there from around 300 BC to 1150 AD. These inhabitants practiced religious rites and left inscriptions and artistic drawings on the rocks in the park.
The weather in summer can vary between 100 and 120°F, with changes at night, consisting of thunderstorms and summer rains. Winter temperatures are mild at 0 to 75°F, but it rarely snows. Spring and fall are the best seasons to visit the park.
As you stroll through the park, you’ll notice rare species of plants, animals and birds. Most animals are nocturnal and therefore hardly seen, but if you are lucky enough to come across any of these harmless creatures, please keep them in their habitat. The park Valley of Fire provides greater contact with nature, animals and birds, escaping from everyday life; Worth a look.
The Valley of Fire park has been the setting for many well-known films:
- Transformers
- Star Trek: Generations (where the Captain Kirk died)
- The Professionals
- Domino
- Total Recall, simulating Mars scenarios
- Cherry 2000
So? Do you feel like visiting this wonder of nature?