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National Holidays and Commemorative Dates


Unlike Brazil, the United States has few public holidays. Around this time, hotel rates tend to be higher and it’s harder to find invitations to shows, helicopter rides or other attractions. (Better make sure and book in advance!!). Here are the national holidays in the USA:

·01 January – New Year’s Day (New Year): Start of the new calendar year

·3ª. Monday in January – Martin Luther King Day: In memory of the civic leader for minority rights

·3ª. Monday in February – President’s Day: In honor of the country’s former Presidents, especially Washington and Lincoln

·Last Monday in May – Memorial Day (Armed Forces Day): Tribute to those who died in service to the nation;

·04 de Julho – Independence Day: celebrates the declaration of US independence.

·1ª. Monday in September – Labor Day: Holiday in honor of the nation’s workers.

·2ª. Monday in October – Columbus Day: Tribute to Christopher Columbus for the discovery of America

·November 11th – Veteran’s Day: Traditionally, at 11 a.m. there is a moment of silence for those who fought for peace

·4ª. Thursday November – Thanksgiving: A day of thanks to God for His gifts and blessings

·December 25th – Christmas: Birth of Jesus Christ

As you can see, a curious fact is that holidays are celebrated according to the day of the week, preferably on Mondays. This prevents holidays from being combined, as is always the case in Brazil. The only public holiday in the USA is Thanksgiving, which falls on a Thursday and falls on a Friday.

Thanksgiving is the only ‘religious’ holiday in this predominantly Protestant country. It’s only on this date that shops close, something that doesn’t happen even at Christmas. For those who want to go shopping, the day after Thanksgiving (known as Black Friday) is an excellent option, as stores offer many products at up to 70% off. You just have to get up early, as the queues are huge and start forming in the early hours of the morning. Everyone wants to buy computers and electronics at low prices, among other products.

There are otherCOMMEMORATIVE DATES that are part of the American tradition.

·February 14th – Valentine’s Day

·March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day

-Last week of March – Spring Break (school recess)

Variable – Easter

·April 1st – April Fool’s Day (April Fool’s Day)

·2º Sunday in May – Mother’s Day (Mother’s Day)

·3º Sunday in June – Father’s Day (Father’s Day)

October 31st – Halloween (Halloween)


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